UK farmers alerted to biopesticide potential
With many UK farmers only too well aware of what happens when a chemical control of a key pest is removed, the sector’s interest in biopesticides has had a big boost.
Harness a fungus to kill an insect
The spectre of uncontrolled flea beetle infestation in oilseed rape last autumn made some farmers shout loudly for their old neonicotinoid seed treatment tool back. For others it made them question why they could not have access to a biological tool, an insect killing fungus approved in other parts of the world, that would kill the damaging pest and pose no risk to harmless beneficials.
Biopesticides are a credible alternative to chemical control

Antony Pearce, Real IPM UK managing director, was happy to explain to leading farming journalist David Jones, Farmers Weekly magazine how – with the launch of Real IPM UK later this year – the prospect of Real IPM UK biopesticide products new to the UK is slowly but steadily coming over the horizon.
“UK farmers are ready for new solutions.”, explains Antony Pearce, “when we attend farmer meetings around the country we hear their interest in having access to effective and environmentally benign options for pest control.”
Hearing about credible alternatives to chemical weapons always prompts the question “When will these products be available in the UK?”.
Invest in Real IPM UK
The answer to that question lies in the hands – and pockets – of UK farmers and growers. Real IPM UK is looking for investors to contribute to the cost of getting the biopesticides through the process of EU registration.
Reaction to the Farmers Weekly article has been highly positive. Not least from the oilseed rape farmers counting the cost of flea beetle damage inflicted to their crop. For many the unleash of biological pesticide potential in the UK cannot come soon enough.